Donnerstag, 18. Juni 2015

No. 943 - arriving mail art from Willemien Visser (Germany)

late submission from Willemien
thank you

No.942 - arriving mail art from Peter Backes (Germany)

and 50 years later again sent out with the Otto postage stamp.
Thank you

Donnerstag, 7. Mai 2015

No. 941 - arriving mail art from Peter Müller (Germany)

The interest for the call seems to be without end.
Thank you

Montag, 4. Mai 2015

... impressions of the finissage 3rd of May 2015 ...

Hilla Schütze reciting occasional poems by Clotilde Völker (1895-1993)

Monika Munken's performance with her own poetry, lyrics and songs

Dienstag, 28. April 2015

No. 938 - No 940 - arriving mail art from Peter Backes (Germany)

... a special mail art delivery, Bismarck motivated, with good news inside
Peter and his wife will come to Bad Kissingen for a trip



No. 937 - arriving mail art from Peter Müller (Germany)

A new Memorial for Bismarck in Wilhelmshaven
erected just few days ago and the troubles / discussions it makes.
Thank you

No. 936 - arriving mail art from Juliana Hellmundt (Germany)

Bismarck as child with toys.
Thank you

Freitag, 24. April 2015

No. 935 - arriving mail art from Zofe Marie = Silke Riedel (Germany)

Bachelor's happy birthday greetings from Zofe Marie and C.W. Allers.
Thank you.

Freitag, 17. April 2015

Donnerstag, 16. April 2015

... my old "new" car ...

... my car turns into a Mail Art Car ...
who wants to habe it in the mail box
just the shipping costs to be paid ...

Donnerstag, 9. April 2015

Dienstag, 7. April 2015

No. 933 - arriving mail art from Peter Backes (Germany)

Happy Birthday Greetings to Bismarck
from HM The Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh

Freitag, 3. April 2015

No. 932 - arriving mail art from Ahlrich van Ohlen (Germany)

Ahlrich has made a new mail art for the call
Half-Bismarck instead of Half-Knight (Halbritter)
I will bring it to the exhibtion tomorrow

Montag, 9. Februar 2015

... new exhibition of the Mail Art Collection ....

A new exhibition called: OTTO 200
will take place this year for the upcoming
200th birthday of Otto von Bismarck
for this purpose 200 Portraits from the mail art collection will be shown in the Orangery of the Museum Obere Saline
in Bad Kissingen from the
25th of March till the 3rd of May 2015 
commemorating the 200th birthday of the politician on 1st of April - you are all invited,
the exhibition will be for free

Donnerstag, 22. Januar 2015

No. 931 - arriving mail art from Ottmar Bergmann (Sweden)

Ottmar made a  proposal for a new postage stamp.
Thank you