Freitag, 31. Dezember 2010

No. 843 - arriving mail art from Ye Agung, Suliat Buamar and Galih Hendra Swastika (Indonesia)

Galih Hendra Swastika

Galih Hendra Swastika

Ye Agung

Suliat Buamar

No. 843 - arriving mail art from Ye Agung, Suliat Buamar and Galih Hendra Swastika (Indonesia)- these three artists living together and have made several painted works for my call. Thank you very much.

No. 842 - arriving mail art from Maria Darmeli Araujo (Brazil)

No. 842 - arriving mail art from Maria Darmeli Araujo (Brazil) - inside a decorated envelope a computer generated image of Bismarck and his helmets. Thank you very much.

No. 841 - arriving mail art from Maks Dannecker (Germany)

No. 841 - arriving mail art from Maks Dannecker (Germany) - Maks has sent this golden helmet obviously twice, because the translucent postcard inside has been also stamped by the post office and possibly was sent back to her. Thank you very much.

No. 840 - arriving mail art by myself

No. 840 - arriving mail art by myself, using a photo of Don E. Boyd's submission to my call. I used the postage stamp after a sketch of Loriot, the stamp will be first released on 3rd of Jan. 2011. I modified the postage stamp a little bit as you can see.

Donnerstag, 30. Dezember 2010

No. 839 - arriving mail art from Julia Schmid (Germany)

No. 839 - arriving mail art from Julia Schmid (Germany) - Julia has used a cover of an old book about Bismarck and made this collage out of it. Thank you very much.
see her page:

Dienstag, 28. Dezember 2010

No. 831 - No. 838 - arriving mail art sample from Heinz W. Lotz (Germany)

No. 831 - No. 838 - arriving mail art sample from Heinz W. Lotz (Germany) - here are last sendings from Heinz. Thank you very much.

No. 830 - arriving mail art from Simon Warren (United Kingdom)

No. 830 - arriving mail art from Simon Warren (United Kingdom) - Simon has sent one more submission to my call - here an interpretation of the so-called Ems telegraph. Thank you very much.

Montag, 27. Dezember 2010

No. 829 - arriving mail art from Viola Rollins (USA)

No. 829 - arriving mail art from Viola Rollins (USA) - Viola has sent a colourfull painted and almost 3-dimensional collage with Bismarck, a ship, waves and seamen. Astonishingly the envelope arrived without naming the street and the correct name of the city. Thank you very much

No. 828 - arriving mail art "I like Otto von Bismarck" from Rüdiger Bergmann (Germany)

No. 828 - arriving mail art "I like Otto von Bismarck" from Rüdiger Bergmann (Germany) - a mail art in his typical underwater style paintings. Thank you very much.

Samstag, 25. Dezember 2010

... a late outgoing to the museum by myself ...

No. 827 - arriving mail art "8 von Bismarck" from Domenico Severino (Italy)

No. 827 - arriving mail art "8 von Bismarck" from Domenico Severino (Italy) - Domenico has made a portrait of Bismarck, inside the envelope lots of other stuff f.ex. a booklet with his works. Thank you very much.

Donnerstag, 23. Dezember 2010

No. 826 - arriving mail art from Simon Warren (United Kingdom)

No. 826 - arriving mail art from Simon Warren (United Kingdom) - Simon has sent a big sized card board with a portrait of Bismarck. Thank you very much.

No. 825 - arriving mail art from Rainer Wieczorek (Germany)

No. 825 - arriving mail art from Rainer Wieczorek (Germany) - Rainer has sent some information about his call on modern slavery and some drawings concerning Bismarck. Thank you very much.

Mittwoch, 22. Dezember 2010

No. 824 - arriving mail art "Sex & Drugs & Mailart" from Mischa Gerloff (Germany)

No. 824 - arriving mail art "Sex & Drugs & Mailart" from Mischa Gerloff (Germany) - Mischa has collaged some labels of a typical alcoholic drink and a hotel sheet of the Hotel Fürst Bismarck. Thank you very much.
see his page:

Montag, 20. Dezember 2010

... the new photos of the Bismarck luggage ...

No. 823 - arriving mail art from Peter Dowker (Canada)

No. 823 - arriving mail art from Peter Dowker (Canada) - Peter has used an old newspaper article about Bismarck and made his collage to it. It seems Peter is dancing or doings some acrobatics on a red bowl in front of Bismarck. Thank you very much.
see his blog:

No. 822 - arriving mail art from Fred Wilder (USA)

No. 822 - arriving mail art from Fred Wilder (USA) - a big sized mail art parcel arrived today with a painted and collaged wooden penis inside - the visitors will be shocked for sure. Thank you very much.
see his page at open fluxus:

No. 821 - arriving mail art from Nikolai Lukin (Ukraine)

No. 821 - arriving mail art from Nikolai Lukin (Ukraine) - Nikolai has made two portraits of Bismarck, it seems to be copies of nicely done ink drawings. Bismarck is wearing a bat on his helmet. Thank you very much.
see his page: (at the moment not working???)

No. 820 - arriving mail art from Isabel Pereira (Portugal)

No. 820 - arriving mail art from Isabel Pereira (Portugal) - Isabel has made a double portrait with acrylic snow(?) around. Thank you very much.