Mittwoch, 23. Dezember 2009

No. 313 & No. 314 - arriving mail art "Wir schreiben nur noch selten Weihnachtskarten" & " Kunst ist schön, macht aber viel Arbeit und belästigt manc

No. 313 & No. 314 - arriving mail art "Wir schreiben nur noch selten Weihnachtskarten" & " Kunst ist schön, macht aber viel Arbeit und belästigt manchmal" from Heinz W. Lotz (Germany) - two more collaged postcards. Thank you very much.

No. 312 - arriving mail art from Ahlrich van Ohlen (Germany)

No. 312 - arriving mail art from Ahlrich van Ohlen (Germany) - it seems Bismarck is arming for war. I hope my salt from Ems will calm him down. Thank you very much.

... my answer to Ahlrich van Ohlen ...

maybe some pills from Ems will help to calm Bismarck down

Dienstag, 22. Dezember 2009

No. 310 & No. 311 - arriving mail art "Ipweger Depesche" & "Halbritter ! Lass er ..." from Ahlrich van Ohlen (Germany)

No. 310 & No. 311 - arriving mail art "Ipweger Depesche" & "Halbritter ! Lass er ..." from Ahlrich van Ohlen (Germany) - Ahlrich has made two funny postcards in which he refers to the famous "ems dispatch" in which I got a warning from Bismarck himself to stop playing fast and loose with the name of Bismarck. In one of the card he used as well an artistamp where you can see Ahlrich with the same Ipweger dispatch. -->I will keep on running the mail art call even if cause another war. Thank you very much.

No. 309 - arriving mail art "... nicht alle wollen Engel sein" from Heinz W. Lotz (Germany)

No. 309 - arriving mail art "... nicht alle wollen Engel sein" from Heinz W. Lotz (Germany) - a modified christmas card witg angel wearing the typical helmet of Bismarck. Thank you very much.

Montag, 21. Dezember 2009

No. 308 - arriving mail art "Otto ganz transzendent" from Ahlrich van Ohlen (Germany)

No. 308 - arriving mail art "Otto ganz transzendent" from Ahlrich van Ohlen (Germany) - Ahlrich used a portrait of Bismarck and stamped a Santa Claus face over it. Thank you very much.

No. 307 - arriving mail art "Prost" from Peter Backes (Germany)

No. 307 - arriving mail art "Prost" from Peter Backes (Germany) - Peter used some advertising images about beer mugs in the shape of Bismarck. Thank you very much.

No. 306 - arriving mail art "Otto - am Wochende bleibt es kalt" from Heinz W. Lotz (Germany)

No. 306 - arriving mail art "Otto - am Wochende bleibt es kalt" from Heinz W. Lotz (Germany) - a christmas collage with new traditions. Thank you very much.

Samstag, 19. Dezember 2009

No. 305 - arriving mail art "Otto art" from Heinz W. Lotz (Germany)

No. 305 - arriving mail art "Otto art" from Heinz W. Lotz (Germany) - Heinz has collaged a walled and put some extra collages inside. Thank you very much.

Freitag, 18. Dezember 2009

Donnerstag, 17. Dezember 2009

No. 304 - arriving mail art "your size" from Heinz W. Lotz (Germany)

No. 304 - arriving mail art "your size" from Heinz W. Lotz (Germany) - collaged envelope with Bismarck as an angel, inside two collages made out of newspaper images. Thank you very much.

Mittwoch, 16. Dezember 2009

the status of the mail art No. 259 today (see:
the sausage is loosing more and more its shape hehind the mold, the nailed pralines are leaking the liquid

No. 303 - arriving mail art "Otto" from Servane Morel (Belgium)

No. 303 - arriving mail art "Otto" from Servane Morel (Belgium) - again a wonderful and colourful enigmatic painting from Servane. Thank you very much.
see her blog: her new mail art call about the seven world antique wonders:

No. 302 - arriving mail art from Denis Charmot (France)

No. 302 - arriving mail art from Denis Charmot (France) - Denis has used a portrait of Bismarck and made several colour versions of it and arranged it like an artistamp sheet. Thank you very much.
see his page:

No. 301 - arriving mail art from Henning Mittendorf (Germany)

No. 301 - arriving mail art from Henning Mittendorf (Germany) - an artprint after a drawing in which Bismarck seems to give a speach to a strange audience. Thank you very much.

No. 300 - arriving mail art "Ich verstehe nichts!" from Patrizia C. - tictac (Germany)

No. 300 - arriving mail art "Ich verstehe nichts!" from Patrizia C. - tictac (Germany) - a decorated postcard with collages of the red nose reindeer above a bavarian beer drinker, backsides with a Bismarck snowman. Thank you very much.
see her her blog: she has a mail art call on the theme bubbles.

No. 299 - arriving mail art zine "Nada Zero No. 78" from Christian Alle (France)

No. 299 - arriving mail art zine "Nada Zero No. 78" from Christian Alle (France) - I send some Bismarck stamp in for this mail art zine, now the 10 page zine came back. Thank you very much.

Dienstag, 15. Dezember 2009

No. 298 - arriving mail art "Otto" from Servane Morel (Belgium)

No. 298 - arriving mail art "Otto" from Servane Morel (Belgium) - surprisingly the missed mail art arrived today, which was sent out about 4 weeks ago. I like this painting of a jumping jack and I'm happy it arrived finally. Thank you very much.
see her blog: her new mail art call about the seven world antique wonders:

No. 297 - arriving mail art "Frohe Weihnachten" from Wolfgang Skodd (Germany)

No. 297 - arriving mail art "Frohe Weihnachten" from Wolfgang Skodd (Germany) - Bismarck is decorated with lots of not millitary but christmas decorations. Thank you very much.
see his blog:

No. 296 - arriving mail art "Otto von Bismarck in der Campagne" (reloaded?) from Anonymous (Germany)

No. 296 - arriving mail art "Otto von Bismarck in der Campagne" (reloaded?) from Anonymous (Germany) - a modification No. 2 of the famous painting by Tischbein, representing Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, her with the face of Bismarck - in this case a little bit more realistic. Thank you very much

No. 294 & No. 295 - arriving mail art "I want you for my Mail Art" & "classic cheesecake photos - Otto find' ich gut" from Heinz W. Lotz (Germany)

No. 294 & No. 295 - arriving mail art "I want you for my Mail Art" & "classic cheesecake photos - Otto find' ich gut" from Heinz W. Lotz (Germany) - two more collages: one is worked on a metal plate with this typical american military advertising for recruting the soldiers, the other is a surreal szenery in a room. Thank you very much.

Montag, 14. Dezember 2009

No. 293 - arriving mail art "Bismarck" from Servane Morel (Belgium)

No. 293 - arriving mail art "Bismarck" from Servane Morel (Belgium) - a wonderful painted portrait of Bismarck . Thank you very much.
see her blog:
and her new mail art call about the seven world antique wonders:

No. 292 - arriving mail art "Bismarck's first english lesson"" from Angela Behrendt (Germany)

No. 292 - arriving mail art "Bismarck's first english lesson"" from Angela Behrendt (Germany) - Angela has sent an embroidery on textile - worked out after a stencil portrait I made once. Bismarck is wishing us a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Thank you very much.

No. 291 - arriving mail art "Bismarck in der Dose" from Wilhelm Schramm (Austria)

No. 291 - arriving mail art "Bismarck in der Dose" from Wilhelm Schramm (Austria) - Wilhelm made a funny collage out of the typical Bismarck Hering and a portrait of Bismarck himself. In this case - a variation of his former mailart - inside a tin. Thank you very much.
see his page: